To worship God
To follow Christ
To heal a broken world in His name.

We have a great garden and lovely buildings at the United Church, but at the end of the day ‘church’ is not about buildings and gardens, it’s about God and people; God, you and me and us together. If there is a picture of Jesus that inspires us it is that of Jesus as the Good Shepherd who asks us to ‘care for’ and ‘feed’ His lambs and sheep.
We take on this Jesus-given task with joy knowing that it brings joy to His heart and we invite you to be part of this important ministry of caring in our congregation.
Lettie Velthuyzen
Pastoral Care Ministry
Comfort & Encouragement during BEREAVEMENT
God has said: “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5
In the ministry with which I am involved, my aim is to bring comfort, encouragement and practical help to people who are mourning the loss of a loved one and to help them to develop lives that can become rich and rewarding again. Losing someone you love is one of the most difficult, stressful and devastating experiences in life. One thing that can help is to share experiences with someone who has been through a similar ordeal.
Grief is a natural, God-given process of recovery. It is a necessary process that brings healing to the heart and helps us adjust to life without the person we have loved and lost. I try to help people realise that real comfort comes only from God who is here to assist us to light up the way and give us direction and hope as we travel the journey of grief. We will experience comfort through the precious words of Scripture, through the awareness of His presence, and through the physical presence of friends and loved ones whom God Himself has placed in our lives.
We remember all who have died this last year:
“We remember all who have gone before us,
and we thank You for their influence on our lives.
Be close to those who mourn,
comfort them in their grief and
increase their faith in your undying love.
May they not grieve as those with no hope.
Grant to them faith in times of sadness
and strengthen their hearts
with the knowledge of Your love.
May they hold onto You when times are dark,
always trusting in Your unfailing love. Amen.
As God comforts us He reminds us that every night season knows the dawn;
that every winter is followed by spring; that every storm is followed by calm.
His comfort brings hope instead of hopelessness, rest instead of despair
and He is our constant companion.
Lettie Velthuyzen

Monthly Bereavement & Loss Support Group at Hospice

Monthly Bereavement &
Loss Support Group
Open to the public - everyone welcome
Where: Overstrand Hospice Hermanus
10 Hope Street, in the Boardroom
Phone the office for the next meeting date.
Office contact: 028 312 4679
Fransil Kotze - Social Worker 082 947 3746